When your lonely,
i wish you love,
when your down, i wish you joy,
when things get complicated, i wish you faith
when things look empty, i wish you hope !

Thursday, January 6, 2011

sekali lg di tag...

Assalamualaikum....& selamat pagi... pg yg indah & damai...walupun cuaca agak mendung..
mulakan pg dgn senyuman dgn hrapan hr nh semuanya berjalan dgn baik...
sekali lg kena tag...
tq pd edi sbb sudi tag ak...hehehe...ak xtaw bt post pa nk update blog nh...nsb baik ko tag...so ada laa benda ak nk tulis....hehehe...
ok laa ak nk jwb soalan yg byk nh...

Starting time : 9.29am
Name : naz (nama panggilan)
Brother : 3
eye colour :xpsti laa...hahaaa 
shoe saiz : 5
hair : (^_^)
what are you wearing : (^_^)
where do you live now : kolej dlm UM, tp asal bumi kenyalang.
fav. number :2,3 , 8,9
fav. drink : milo , ducth lady
fav. breakfast : roti canai...

have you ever ~

Broke a bone : xpernah, harap2 xakan pernah...nt sakit....
been in police car : jwpn sama cam kt ats...eheheh...
fallen for a fren : ermmm...pernah ke ea?xkot...

Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time ; nope

Swam in the ocean ; pernah2....best~ wlpn xreti nk berenang...
berendam pn jd laa...hahaha

Fallen asleep in school : hahaha...pernah...hobi kot dlu....
Broken someone's heart ; Yes...

Cried when someone died ; of coz.... nm pn manusia mesti ada rasa sedih...hu3
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call ; No ... xda org crik...hahaha
Save e-mails ; save yg penting2...
Been cheated on ; hahaha....

What ;

Your room like ; Bersih & kemas...klu bleh ak nk blik ak cantik...
sedap mata memandang...hehehe...

What is right beside you ; hp ak.... hahaha...
What is the last thing you ate ; kuey teaw goreng ...hihih

Who ;

Who did you last yell at ; ermmm...xda kot...hahahaha

Who was the last person you dance with ; dance?hahaahaa...xda kot...
Who last made you smile ; kwn fb...

FinaQuestion ;

What are you listening to right now ; lgu kt blog mimi..
sbb ak copy paste soalan dr blog dia...hahaha...
mrh ea...ak mlas nk taip blik...

What did you do todayyy ; Bangun pagi2..on9...ha3...jap lg p klas...
Are you the oldest ; x...hehehe
Indoors or outdoors ; dua2 ak suka...yg ptg best...hehehe

Todayy You Did ;

Talk to someone you like ; No....

Kiss anyone ; No....
Sing ; No....
Talk to an ex ; no...
Miss Someone ; hahahaha....
Eat ; Belom makan apa2 lag....

LasPerson Whooo ;

You talked to on the phone ; My mom....

Made you cry ; sapa ea?ntah xtaw...hehehe

You went to the mall with ; my family....beli brg2 sblm balik um.he3
Who cheered you up ; bff ak.... kalo smbg mmg xda kesudahan...ha3

Have You ;

Been to Mexico ; klu kena blnja pa slhnya...hahaha
Been to USA ; insyaAllah... klu da rezeki...tringin gak p ng maju nh...

Randommm ;

Have a crush on someone : hahahah...^_~...
What Book are you reading right now ; notebook... haha...ak bc diari Islaam 2011...
dlm dia ada bnyk artikel...hehehe...
Best feeling in the world ; disayangi & dihargai...hehehe
Future kids name ; awalnya nk pk nm ank...hahaha...
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal ; x...
What under your bed ; Big bag, baldi n box storage...hehe...
Favourite sport(s) ; Badminton, berbasikal ,bola tampar...p jrg main...hehe...
Favourite place ; tmpt yg cantik & best... shopink complex ...ak suka gak..ha3.
Who do you really hate ; ayam...& yg berbulu mcm burung...ak geli...ha3
Do you have a job ; xda lg...bt 4time bnyk laa..p scr percuma...hahaha
What time is it now ; 10:06 am

ok laa...dh habes suma ak jwb...hehehe...
nk tag org lain lak...

Adm hafis
cgu abbam
cik seha

slmt menjwab! hehehe...

~skdr ekspresi dahlia drku utkmu~ 


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